We provide support on the design of cell processing facility (CPF), CPF operations, education/ training for CPF, and applications for plans to provide regenerative medicine to medical institutions that administer regenerative medicine under the Act on the Safety of Regenerative Medicine or companies to which cell culture activities are contracted out to as manufacturers of specified cell products.


Providing support for regenerative medicine through consulting based on technology and experience

At BIOMIMETICS SYMPATHIES, we have designed and operated CPF for at least 10 years. We succeeded in developing safe cell culture technologies that is completely animal origin free (AOF) and provided support to medical institutions administering regenerative medicine for the first time in Japan, even before regenerative medicine was widely recognized. With experience with more than 3000 cell cultures, we have accumulated a lot of know-how on operations under the Act on the Safety of Regenerative Medicine. We provide feedback on the design, operation, and education/ training for CPF.


Support for the preparation of plans for provision of regenerative medicine

We will support the preparation of application documents based on the Enforcement Regulations of the Act on the Safety of Regenerative Medicine (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare [MHLW] Ordinance No. 110) to allow the administration of regenerative medicine at medical institutions. In addition, we will also provide support with responding to questions from the certified special committee for regenerative medicine, such as regarding the cell culture process, cell characteristics, and quality control, when applying for a plan to provide regenerative medicine.


Support with facility operations and education and training of employees

Experienced staff involved in operations at CPF for many years will support from the design of CPF to construction management and consulting on facility operations after construction. We have experience in providing support not only for domestic companies but also overseas companies.


Support with the cosmetics business

At BIOMIMETICS SYMPATHIES, we have been conducting research on skin cell function for many years. We have provided technologies to multiple medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies and have actively conducted joint research with universities and other public research institutions. Leveraging our extensive track record and technological strengths, we provide product development consulting and raw material supply services for companies engaged in the cosmetics business.